Baltimore-Washington Trolleys in Color, King $49.00
Boston’s MTA Through Riverside & Beyond, 1950’s-60’s
by Bradley Clarke, (BSRA) 425 photos (SALE) $45.95
Boston Transit Equipment, 1979-2009, BSRA $18.00
Streetcar Lines of the Hub, 1940’s, Clarke, BSRA $35.00
Boston Trolleys in Color, Vol#1 MS Books $49.00
Boston Trolleys in Color, Vol# 2 MS Books $49.00
100 PCC Trolley Cars Ran in Brooklyn, Greller $15.00
Brooklyn Elevated Equipment, Greller $50.00
Brooklyn Trolleys from BRT to B&QT, Greller $50.00
By The El, all color Third Ave. El, reprinted $19.00
Calgary’s Electric Transit, Streetcars, Bus & TT $35.00
Canadian Trolleys in Color Vol#1 Eastern, MS bks. $49.00
Canadian Trolleys in Color Vol#2 Western, MS bks $49.00
California Trolleys in Color Vol#2 San Fran. Jewel $49.00
CERA#147 Riding The Bell, LVT Liberty Bell Route $59.00
CERA#145 Transit in Triangle Vol#1 Pittsburg Rys $58.00
CERA#141 Before The North Shore Line SALE $32.00
CERA#140 Pig n’ Whistle, Phila & Western SALE $40.00
Chicago “L’s” Great Steel Fleet, The Baldies,1 left, $15.95
Cleveland Trolleys in Color, Ridolph MS Bks. $49.00
Cornwall Street Railway, Railfaire DC Books, soft $22.00
The Elevated Railways of Manhattan, Oszustowicz $56.50
Ghost Rails VII Pittsburgh-Butler Short Line $43.00
Great Lakes Trolleys in Color, Mid-West MS Bks. $48.00
Hudson & Manhattan RR In Color Yanosey MS Bks $49.00
Interborough Fleet, IRT by Joe Cunningham SALE $15.00
Interurban Electric Locos, Baldwin-Westinghouse $29.00
Interurban Electric Locos, General Electric $29.00
Kansas City Street Scenes, PCC Era, Davis $20.00
Levis Tramways in Quebec, Canada $17.95
Lehigh Valley Transit in Color, MS Books $49.00
Main Line Elevated in color, Boston, L. Mills NEW $45.00
Morris County Traction, Lowenthal, 2d edition $27.00
New York City Transit Sys. Bus & Trolley Coaches $15.00
New York Subways in Color Vol#1 MS Bks. $49.00
Niagara, St Catharines & Toronto Ry, (softcover) $42.00
Ottawa Streetcars, McKeown, Hardbound $50.00
Pacific Electric Ry. 500 Class Cars, Smatlak $22.00
Philadelphia Electric Rail Lines in Color, MS Bks $49.00
Phila. Trolleys From Survival to Revival, DuPuis II $20.95
Pittsburgh Trolleys in Color Vol#1 MS Books $49.00
Pittsburgh Trolleys in Color Vol#2 MS Books $49.00
Red Arrow Lines, MS Books all color $49.00
Terre Haute, Indianapolis & Eastern, Marlette $45.00
The Como-Harriet Line, Twin Cities Issacs $12.75
Third Ave. Railways, Cityscape of Manhattan $17.00
Toronto Trolleys in Color, Springirth, TTC, $49.00
To Seattle by Trolley, Wing (PFM) SALE $15.00
To Tacoma by Trolley, Wing (PFM) SALE $15.00
Trolley Days in Camden, NJ $12.00
The Trolley Parks of Maine,Tatnall, Leclair,Rogan $12.95
Trolley Treasures,Vol#3, Mankoff, Pub Serv Ry. NJ $38.00
Twin Cities Lines in Color, Minneapolis, MS Books $49.00
Unifying The Subways (1940 Merger of NY City) $17.00
Visalia Electric, Signature Press SALE $35.00
When Missouri Took the Trolley, Young $49.00
AMTRAK in Color, Vol#1 (Pt of a 3 vol. series) $49.00
AMTRAK in Color, Vol#2 $49.00
AMTRAK in Color, Vol#3 $49.00
Boston & Albany Steam Power, May & Stoving $22.00
Boston & Maine Steam Power,Vol#1 P3-P5 Pacifics $20.00
Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn Narrow Gauge RR $18.00
The Central Mass, B&M RR Hist. Soc. 2d edition $36.00
Chesapeake & Ohio Thru Passenger Service (NEW) $49.00
CONRAIL in Color Vol#3 1990’s MS Books $49.00
CONRAIL Atlantic Region in Color, Vol#2 $49.00
CONRAIL Central Region in Color,Vol#1 (1976-80) $49.00
CONRAIL -D&H- NYS&W, Erdman NY State (NEW) $37.
CONRAIL Under Pennsy Wires, Vol#1, Yanosey $49.00
CONRAIL Northern Region In Color, Leffler (NEW) $49.00
CONRAIL Under Pennsy Wires, Vol#2, Yanosey $49.00
CONRAIL Western Region in Color, Vol#1 $49.00
Erie RR Official Photography,vol#1, A-C NEW (B&W)$37.00
Erie RR Official Photography,vol#2, C-F NEW (B&W)$37.00
Erie, DL&W, E-L Trackside, Krone, MS Bks (NEW) $49.00
Forgotten Railroads of Westchester County (2 left) $42.00
General Electric 70 Ton Diesel Locomotives, Sims $32.00
GG-1 World’s Greatest Elec Loco,vol#1 PRR1948-67$37.00
Jersey Central Official Photography, (B&W) MS Bks $37.00
Lehigh Valley, Best of Bob Wilt, Vol#1 1960’s(NEW) $37.00
MetroNorth in Color, Zullig, MS Books (NEW) $49.00
New York Central, Steam on Harlem & Putnam Div $18.00
New York Central Steam Power in N.J.& Penna. $22.00
New York Electrified RR’s into Grand Central Vol#1$49.00
New York Electrified RR’s into Penn Station Vol#2 $49.00
PC Power in ColorVol#3(6000-7499)SD35,40,45GP9$49.00
Penn Central Through Passenger Service,MS Books $49.00
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie, last 30 years, Baer (NEW) $37.00
PRR Eastern Region Trackside, MS Books (NEW) $49.00
Reading Company Facilities Vol#1 East of Phila. $49.00
Reading Company Facilities Vol#2 North of Phila. $49.00
Rio Grande NG in Color,#2 Decline&Tourist Rebirth$49.00
RR Stations of New England, Vol#1, Boston & Maine $8.00
So. California Rails 1941-1971,(B&W) NEW MS Bks $37.00
Trackside in California 1964-1999, George Drury $49.00
Trackside Lehigh River Valley with R. Kulp, Peters $49.00
Trackside around Massachusetts1950-70 R.Munroe$49.00
Trackside around San Francisco 1956-1976,Jewell $49.00
The Railroad Switching Yard at Maybrook, NY $11.00
The Rutland Railroad, Rutland-Bellows Falls, VT $41.00
We have a large color slide collection for sale, 1960’s:
B&M, New York Central, Boston trolleys & much more.
Large, O Scale Model Trolley collection,
Wagner & Q Car Company Power trucks and Parts available, Inquire? |